P. Łydżba, R. Świętek, M, Mierzejewski, M. Rigol, and L. Vidmar,
Normal weak eigenstate thermalization,
Phys. Rev. B 110, 104202 (2024);
P. Prelovšek, S. Nandy, and M. Mierzejewski,
Einstein relation for subdiffusive relaxation in Stark chains,
Phys. Rev. B 110, L081105 (2024);
P. Łydżba, P. Prelovšek, and M. Mierzejewski,
Local integrals of motion in dipole-conserving models with Hilbert space fragmentation,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 220405 (2024);
J. Pawlowski, M. Panfil, J. Herbrych, and M. Mierzejewski,
Long-living prethermalization in nearly integrable spin ladders,
Phys. Rev. B 109, L161109 (2024);
S. Nandy, J. Herbrych,Z. Lenarcic, A.Glodkowski,P.Prelovsek, M.Mierzejewski,
Emergent dipole moment conservation and subdiffusion in tilted chains,
Phys. Rev. B 109, 115120 (2024);
K. Kovač, D. Golež, M. Mierzejewski, J. Bonča,
Optical manipulation of bipolarons in a system with nonlinear electron-phonon coupling,
Phys. Rev. Lett 132, 106001 (2024);
A. Jażdżewska, M. Mierzejewski, M. Środa, A. Nocera, G. Alvarez, E. Dagotto, J. Herbrych,
Transition to the Haldane phase driven by electron-electron correlations,
Nature Communications 14, 8524 (2023);
S. Nandy, Z. Lenarčič, E. Ilievski, M. Mierzejewski, J. Herbrych, and P. Prelovšek,
Spin diffusion in a perturbed isotropic Heisenberg spin chain,
Phys. Rev. B 108, L081115 (2023);
B. Krajewski, L. Vidmar, J. Bonca, M. Mierzejewski,
Strongly disordered Anderson insulator chains with generic two-body interaction,
Phys. Rev. B 108, 064203 (2023);
P. Łydżba, M. Mierzejewski, M, Rigol, L, Vidmar,
Generalized thermalization in quantum-chaotic quadratic Hamiltonians,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 060401 (2023);
P. Prelovsek, J. Herbrych, M. Mierzejewski,
Slow diffusion and Thouless localization criterion in modulated spin chains,
Phys. Rev. B 108, 035106 (2023) ;
L Iwanek, M. Mierzejewski, A. Polkovnikov, D. Sels, A. S. Sajna,
Semiclassical bounds on the dynamics of two-dimensional interacting disordered fermions,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 064202 (2023) ;
M. Mierzejewski, J. Wronowicz, J. Pawlowski, and J. Herbrych,
Quasiballistic transport in the long-range anisotropic Heisenberg model,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 045134 (2023) ;
B. Krajewski, L. Vidmar, J. Bonca, M. Mierzejewski,
Restoring ergodicity in a strongly disordered interacting chain,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 260601 (2022) ;
P. Prelovsek, S. Nandy, Z. Lenarcic, M. Mierzejewski, J. Herbrych,
From dissipationless to normal diffusion in the easy-axis Heisenberg spin chain,
Phys. Rev. B 106, 245104 (2022) ;
M. Mierzejewski, J. Pawłowski, P. Prelovsek, J. Herbrych,
Multiple relaxation times in perturbed XXZ chain,
SciPost Phys. 13, 013 (2022) ;
B. Krajewski, M. Mierzejewski, J. Bonca
Modeling sample-to-sample fluctuations of the gap ratio in finite disordered spin chains,
Phys. Rev. B 106, 014201 (2022) ;
J. Bonca, M. Mierzejewski
Relaxation mechanisms in a disordered system with Poisson-level statistics,
Phys. Rev. B 105, 155146 (2022) ;
J. Herbrych, M. Mierzejewski, P. Prelovsek
Relaxation at different length scales in models of many-body localization,
Phys. Rev. B 105, L081105 (2022) ;
L. Vidmar, B. Krajewski, J. Bonca, M. Mierzejewski
Phenomenology of spectral functions in disordered spin chains at infinite temperature,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 230603 (2021), (Editor's suggestion) ;
P. Prelovsek, M. Mierzejewski, J. Herbrych
Coexistence of diffusive and ballistic transport in integrable quantum lattice models,
Phys. Rev. B 104, 115163 (2021);
A. Wieckowski, A. Ptok, M. Mierzejewski, M. Kupczynski,
Identification of the Majorana edge modes in tight-binding systems based on the Krylov method,
Computer Physics Communications, 108135 (2021);
M. Mierzejewski, J. Herbrych, and P. Prelovsek,
Ballistic transport in integrable quantum lattice models with degenerate spectra,
Phys. Rev. B 103, 235115 (2021);
J. Herbrych, M. Środa, G. Alvarez, M. Mierzejewski, E. Dagotto,
Interaction-induced topological phase transition and Majorana edge states in low-dimensional orbital-selective Mott insulators,
Nature Communications 12, 2955 (2021);
P. Prelovsek, M. Mierzejewski, J. Krsnik, and O. S. Barisic,
Many-body localization as a percolation phenomenon,
Phys. Rev. B 103, 045139 (2021);
M. Mierzejewski, M. Sroda, J. Herbrych, and P. Prelovsek,
Resistivity and its fluctuations in disordered many-body systems: From chains to planes,
Phys. Rev. B 102, 161111(R) (2020);
J. Bonca, J. Cichoń, M. Mierzejewski,
Binding Energy of Magnetic Bipolarons in Disordered Chains ,
J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. (2020);
M. Mierzejewski, L. Vidmar,
Quantitative impact of integrals of motion on the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 040603 (2020);
A. Wieckowski, M. Mierzejewski, M. Kupczynski,
Majorana phase gate based on the geometric phase,
Phys. Rev. B. 101, 014504 (2020);
M. Kozarzewski, M.Mierzejewski, P.Prelovsek,
Suppressed energy transport in the strongly disordered Hubbard chain,
Phys. Rev. B. 99, 241113(R) (2019);
M.Mierzejewski, P.Prelovsek, J. Bonca,
Einstein relation for a driven disordered quantum chain in subdiffusive regime,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 206601 (2019);
M. Sroda, P.Prelovsek, M.Mierzejewski,
Instability of subdiffusive spin dynamics in strongly disordered Hubbard chain,
Phys. Rev. B 99, 121110(R) (2019);
P.Prelovsek, J. Bonca, M.Mierzejewski,
Transient and persistent particle subdiffusion in a disordered chain coupled to bosons,
Phys. Rev. B 98, 125119 (2018);
M.Kozarzewski, P.Prelovsek, M.Mierzejewski,
Spin subdiffusion in disordered Hubbard chains,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 246602 (2018);
J. Bonca, S.A. Trugman, M. Mierzejewski,
Dynamics of the one-dimensional Anderson insulator coupled to various bosonic baths,
Phys. Rev. B 97, 174202 (2018);
M. Mierzejewski, M. Kozarzewski, P. Prelovsek,
Counting local integrals of motion in disordered spinless--fermion and Hubbard chains,
Phys. Rev. B 97, 064204 (2018);
A. Wieckowski, M.M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Majorana modes in interacting systems identified by searching for local integrals of motion,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 040504 (2018);
P. Prelovsek, O. S. Barisic, M. Mierzejewski,
Reduced-basis approach to many-body localization,
Phys. Rev. B 97, 035104 (2018);
Gal Lemut, Marcin Mierzejewski, Janez Bonca,
Complete many-body localization in the t-J model caused by a random magnetic field,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 , 246601 (2017);
M. Mierzejewski, K. Giergiel, K. Sacha,
Many-body localization caused by temporal disorder,
Phys. Rev. B
96, 140201 (2017);
S. Stagraczynski, L. Chotorlishvili, M. Schueler, M. Mierzejewski, J. Berakdar,
Many-body localization phase in a spin-driven chiral multiferroic chain,
Phys. Rev. B
96, 054440 (2017);
P. Prelovsek, M. Mierzejewski, O. Barisic, J. Herbrych,
Density correlations and transport in models of many-body localization,
Ann. Phys.
529, 1600362 (2017);
J. Bonca, M. Mierzejewski,
Delocalized carriers in the t - J model with strong charge disorder,
Phys. Rev. B
95, 214201 (2017);
J. Kogoj, M. Mierzejewski, J. Bonca,
Nature of Bosonic Excitations Revealed by High-Energy Charge Carriers,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
117, 227002 (2016);
M. Mierzejewski, J. Herbrych, P. Prelovsek,
Universal dynamics of density correlations at the transition to the many-body localized state,
Phys. Rev. B
94, 224207 (2016);
J. Kogoj, L. Vidmar, M. Mierzejewski, S. A. Trugman, J. Bonca,
Thermalization after photoexcitation from the perspective of optical spectroscopy,
Phys. Rev. B
94, 014304 (2016);
M. Kozarzewski, P. Prelovsek, M. Mierzejewski,
Distinctive response of many-body localized systems to a strong electric field,
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93, 235151 (2016);
S. Dal conte, L. Vidmar, D. Golez, M. Mierzejewski, G. Soavi, S. Peli, F. Banfi, G. Ferrini, R. Comin, B. M. Ludbrook, L. Chauviere, N. D. Zhigadlo, H. Eisaki, M. Greven, S. Lupi, A. Damascelli, D. Brida, M. Capone, J. Bonca, G. Cerullo, C. Giannetti,
Snapshots of the retarded interaction of charge carriers with ultrafast fluctuations in cuprates,
Nature Phys.
11, 421 (2015);
M. Mierzejewski, P. Prelovsek, T. Prosen,
Identifying Local and Quasilocal Conserved Quantities in Integrable Systems,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
114, 140601 (2015);
M. Mierzejewski, T. Prosen, P. Prelovsek,
Approximate conservation laws in perturbed integrable lattice models,
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92, 195121 (2015);
M. Mierzejewski, J. Bonca, J. Dajka,
Reversal of relaxation due to a dephasing environment,
Phys. Rev. A
91, 052112 (2015);
M. Lobejko, M. Mierzejewski, J. Dajka,
Interference of qubits in pure dephasing and almost pure dephasing environments,
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48, 275302 (2015);
M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski, E. Kochetov,
The Ising version of the t-J model,
Phil. Mag.
95, 583 (2015);
D. Crivelli, M. Mierzejewski, P. Prelovsek,
Energy Current and Energy Fluctuations in Driven Quantum Wires,
NATO Science for Peace and Security Ser. C
, 79 (2015);
M. Mierzejewski, P. Prelovsek, T. Prosen,
Breakdown of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble for Current-Generating Quenches,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
113, 020602 (2014);
D. Crivelli, P. Prelovsek, M. Mierzejewski,
Energy and particle currents in a driven integrable system,
Phys. Rev. B
90, 195119 (2014);
J. Kogoj, Z. Lenarcic, D. Golez, M. Mierzejewski, P. Prelovsek, J. Bonca,
Multistage dynamics of the spin-lattice polaron formation,
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90, 125104 (2014);
M. Mierzejewski, D. Crivelli, P. Prelovsek,
Peltier effect in strongly driven quantum wires,
Phys. Rev. B
90, 075124 (2014);
D. Golez, J. Bonca, M. Mierzejewski, L. Vidmar,
Mechanism of ultrafast relaxation of a photo-carrier in antiferromagnetic spin background,
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89, 165118 (2014);
A. Slebarski, M. Fijalkowski, M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski, B. D. White, M. B. Maple,
Superconductivity of La3Co4Sn13 and La3Rh4Sn13: A comparative study,
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89, 125111 (2014);
M. Mierzejewski, T. Prosen, D. Crivelli, P. Prelovsek,
Eigenvalue Statistics of Reduced Density Matrix during Driving and Relaxation,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
110, 200602 (2013);
M. Mierzejewski, J. Bonca, P. Prelovsek,
Inducing Current in One Dimensional Systems of Interacting Fermions,
NATO Science for Peace and Security Ser. B
, 207 (2013);
J. Bonca, M. Mierzejewski, L. Vidmar,
Nonequilibrium Propagation and Decay of a Bound Pair in Driven t-J Models,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
109, 156404 (2012);
M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski, E. A. Kochetov, L. Vidmar, J. Bonca, O. P. Sushkov,
Effective approach to the Nagaoka regime of the two-dimensional t-J model,
Phys. Rev. B
85, 245113 (2012);
R. Steinigeweg, J. Herbrych, P. Prelovsek, M. Mierzejewski,
Coexistence of anomalous and normal diffusion in integrable Mott insulators,
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85, 214409 (2012);
J. Dajka, M. Mierzejewski, J. Luczka, R. Blattmann, P. Haenggi,
Negativity and quantum discord in Davies environments,
J. Phys. A
45, 485306 (2012);
M. Mierzejewski, J. Bonca, P. Prelovsek,
Integrable Mott Insulators Driven by a Finite Electric Field,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
107, 126601 (2011);
M. Mierzejewski, L. Vidmar, J. Bonca, P. Prelovsek,
Nonequilibrium Quantum Dynamics of a Charge Carrier Doped into a Mott Insulator,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
106, 196401 (2011);
A. Ptok, M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Coexistence of superconductivity and incommensurate magnetic order,
Phys. Rev. B
84, 094526 (2011);
L. Vidmar, J. Bonca, M. Mierzejewski, P. Prelovsek, S. A. Trugman,
Nonequilibrium dynamics of the Holstein polaron driven by an external electric field,
Phys. Rev. B
83, 134301 (2011);
M. Mierzejewski, P. Prelovsek,
Nonlinear Current Response of an Isolated System of Interacting Fermions,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
105, 186405 (2010);
M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski, J. Kaczmarczyk, J. Spalek,
Superconducting Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer versus Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states of heavy quasiparticles with spin-dependent masses and Kondo-type pairing,
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82, 054509 (2010);
A. Gorczyca-Goraj, M. Mierzejewski, T. Prosen,
Long-range magnetic response of the XY spin chain under far-from-equilibrium conditions,
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81, 174430 (2010);
M. Mierzejewski, J. Luczka, J. Dajka,
Current in Hubbard rings manipulated via magnetic flux,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matt.
22, 245301 (2010);
J. Dajka, M. Mierzejewski, J. Luczka, P. Haenggi,
Dephasing of qubits by the Schrodinger cat,
Phys. E
42, 374 (2010);
M. Wrobel, M. Mierzejewski, M. M. Maska,
The Falicov-Kimball Model in External Magnetic Field: Orbital Effects,
Acta Phys. Pol. A
118, 379 (2010);
M. Mierzejewski, A. Ptok, M. M. Maska,
Mutual enhancement of magnetism and Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductivity in CeCoIn5,
Phys. Rev. B
80, 174525 (2009);
J. Dajka, M. Mierzejewski, J. Luczka,
Geometric phase of interacting qubits: Mean-field analysis,
Phys. Rev. A
80, 044303 (2009);
J. Dajka, M. Mierzejewski, J. Luczka,
Analytically solvable model for the entanglement via scattering-like mechanisms,
Quant. Inf. Proc.
8, 461 (2009);
J. Dajka, M. Mierzejewski, J. Luczka,
Fidelity of asymmetric dephasing channels,
Phys. Rev. A
79, 012104 (2009);
A. Ptok, M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
The Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase in the presence of pair hopping interaction,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matt.
21, 295601 (2009);
M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski, A. Ferraz, E. A. Kochetov,
Ising t-J model close to half filling: a Monte Carlo study,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matt.
21, 045703 (2009);
M. Wrobel, M. Malczak, M. Mierzejewski, M. M. Maska,
Monte Carlo study of the Falicov-Kimball model: implementation of the histogram method,
Phys. Stat. Sol. B
246, 931 (2009);
A. Gorczyca, M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Friedel oscillations in the presence of far from equilibrium heat transport,
Phys. Stat. Sol. B
246, 989 (2009);
J. Dajka, M. Mierzejewski, J. Luczka,
Non-Markovian entanglement evolution of two uncoupled qubits,
Phys. Rev. A
77, 042316 (2008);
J. Dajka, M. Mierzejewski, J. Luczka,
Geometric phase of a qubit in dephasing environments,
J. Phys. A
41, 012001 (2008);
A. Ferraz, E. Kochetov, M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Doped carrier formulation of the t-J model: Monte Carlo study of the anisotropic case,
Acta Phys. Pol. A
114, 185 (2008);
A. Ptok, M. Mierzejewski,
Superconductivity in the Penson-Kolb model on a triangular lattice,
Acta Phys. Pol. A
114, 209 (2008);
Z. Sledz, M. Mierzejewski,
Inhomogeneous charge distribution and superconductivity in the boson-fermion model,
Acta Phys. Pol. A
114, 219 (2008);
M. Malczak, M. Mierzejewski, M. M. Maska,
Persistent currents in disordered rings,
10, 1740 (2008);
A. Gorczyca, M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Friedel oscillations in nanowires at finite bias voltage,
NATO Science for Peace and Security Ser. B
, 37 (2008);
M. M. Maska, Z. Sledz, K. Czajka, M. Mierzejewski,
Inhomogeneity-induced enhancement of the pairing interaction in cuprate superconductors,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
99, 147006 (2007);
A. Gorczyca, M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Friedel oscillations in the presence of transport currents in a nanowire,
Phys. Rev. B
76, 165419 (2007);
J. Dajka, M. Mierzejewski, J. Luczka,
Entanglement persistence in contact with the environment: exact results,
J. Phys. A
40, F879 (2007);
A. Gorczyca, M. Krawiec, M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Particle-hole asymmetry in the scanning tunneling spectroscopy of the high temperature superconductors,
Phys. Stat. Sol. B
244, 2448 (2007);
A. Gorczyca, M. Mierzejewski,
Reentrant superconductivity in the strong coupling limit,
Phys. Stat. Sol. B
244, 2503 (2007);
M. Mierzejewski, J. Dajka, J. Luczka, P. Talkner, P. Haenggi,
Dynamical bimodality in equilibrium monostable systems,
Phys. Rev. E
74, 041102 (2006);
K. Czajka, A. Gorczyca, M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Hofstadter butterfly for a finite correlated system,
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74, 125116 (2006);
M. Mierzejewski, M. M. Maska,
Transport properties of nanosystems with conventional and unconventional charge density waves,
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73, 205103 (2006);
A. Ferraz, E. Kochetov, M. Mierzejewski,
Resonating valence-bond theory of superconductivity for dopant carriers: Application to the cobaltates,
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73, 064516 (2006);
Z. Sledz, M. Mierzejewski,
Vortex charge in a system with tightly bound electron pairs,
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J. Luczka, J. Dajka, M. Mierzejewski, P. Haenggi,
Stochastic resonance and resonant enhancement of magnetic flux in periodically driven mesoscopic cylinders,
Acta Phys. Pol. B
37, 1605 (2006);
M. M. Maska, K. Czajka, M. Mierzejewski, Z. Sledz,
Charge density waves in small metallic and superconducting rings,
Acta Phys. Pol. A
109, 519 (2006);
Z. Sledz, M. Mierzejewski, M. M. Maska,
Vortex properties in a model with local pairs,
Acta Phys. Pol. A
109, 653 (2006);
J. Dajka, J. Luczka, M. Mierzejewski, P. Haenggi,
Noisy dynamics of magnetic flux in mesoscopic cylinders,
J. Phys. Conf. Ser.
30, 321 (2006);
K. Czajka, M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski, Z. Sledz,
Interplay between impurities and correlations in superconducting nanorings,
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72, 035320 (2005);
M. Mierzejewski, M. M. Maska,
Reentrant superconductivity on a triangular lattice: application to cobalt oxide superconductor,
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M. Mierzejewski, Z. Sledz,
Vortex structure in the boson-fermion model,
Phys. Stat. Sol. B
242, 449 (2005);
J. Luczka, J. Dajka, M. Mierzejewski, P. Hanggi,
Can self-sustaining currents be induced in a system of mesoscopic rings?,
AIP Conf. Proc.
800, 197 (2005);
M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski, B. Andrzejewski, M. L. Foo, R. J. Cava, T. Klimczuk,
Possible singlet-to-triplet pairing transition in NaxCoO2 center dot yH(2)O,
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70, 144516 (2004);
M. Mierzejewski, M. M. Maska,
Critical field in a superconductivity model with local pairs,
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69, 054502 (2004);
M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Pseudogap and vortices in high-temperature superconductors,
Acta Phys. Pol. A
106, 569 (2004);
M. Mierzejewski, M. Maska, B. Andrzejewski,
Upper critical field for cobalt oxide superconductors,
Acta Phys. Pol. A
106, 603 (2004);
M. Gebarowski, M. Mierzejewski,
Temperature induced modification of phonons in the boson-fermion model,
Physica C
402, 381 (2004);
E. Kochetov, M. Mierzejewski,
Reply to "Comment on 'BCS-type mean-field theory for the t-J model in the SU(2 vertical bar 1) superalgebra representation' ",
Phys. Rev. B
68, 016502 (2003);
M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Vortex structure in the d-density-wave scenario,
Phys. Rev. B
68, 024513 (2003);
T. Domanski, M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Upward curvature of the upper critical field in the boson-fermion model,
Phys. Rev. B
67, 134507 (2003);
M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Superconductivity in the stripe phase magnetic properties,
Acta Phys. Pol. B
34, 507 (2003);
M. Gebarowski, M. Mierzejewski,
Incommensurate and commensurate density-wave in the two-dimensional lattice,
J. Supercond.
16, 931 (2003);
M. Mierzejewski, M. M. Maska,
Upper critical field for underdoped high-T-c superconductors: Pseudogap and stripe phase,
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66, 214527 (2002);
M. Gebarowski, M. Mierzejewski, J. Zielinski,
Phonon self-energy in the presence of charge and spin-density waves,
Phys. Stat. Sol. B
231, 490 (2002);
J. Zielinski, M. Gebarowski, M. Mierzejewski, P. Entel,
Phonon-mediated pairing correlations in the generalized Hubbard model,
Physica C
377, 481 (2002);
M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Upper critical field for anisotropic superconductivity: A tight-binding approach,
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64, 064501 (2001);
R. Szczesniak, M. Mierzejewski, J. Zielinski, P. Entel,
Modification of the isotope effect by the van Hove singularity of electrons on a two-dimensional lattice,
Sol. State Comm.
117, 369 (2001);
R. Szczesniak, M. Mierzejewski, J. Zielinski,
Superconductivity in the presence of pseudogap: Strong-coupling approach,
Physica C
355, 126 (2001);
M. Mierzejewski, M. M. Maska,
Upper critical field in a stripe-phase,
Acta Phys. Pol. B
32, 523 (2001);
A. Cebula, M. Mierzejewski,
Phonon-induced superconductivity in the presence of the charge-density-wave pseudogap. Strong-coupling description,
Acta Phys. Pol. B
32, 543 (2001);
T. Slomska, M. Mierzejewski, J. Zielinski,
d-wave superconductivity on a square lattice: Higher-order effects,
J. Supercond.
14, 669 (2001);
M. Mierzejewski, J. Zielinski, P. Entel,
Phonon-induced contributions to superconductivity in the presence of charge-density waves,
J. Supercond.
14, 449 (2001);
A. Cebula, J. Zielinski, M. Mierzejewski,
Charge-density-wave pseudogap and two-dimensional superconductivity within strong-coupling description,
J. Supercond.
14, 175 (2001);
M. M. Maska, M. Mierzejewski,
Cluster calculations for upper critical field in a lattice model,
Mol. Phys. Rep.
34, 56 (2001);
E. Kochetov, M. Mierzejewski,
BCS-type mean-field theory for the t-J model in the SU(2 vertical bar 1) superalgebra representation,
Phys. Rev. B
61, 1580 (2000);
M. Mierzejewski, J. Zielinski, P. Entel,
Correlation-renormalized electron-phonon interaction in the two-dimensional Hubbard model,
Phys. Rev. B
60, 10442 (1999);
M. Mierzejewski, M. M. Maska,
Upper critical field for electrons in a two-dimensional lattice,
Phys. Rev. B
60, 6300 (1999);
R. Szczesniak, M. Mierzejewski,
Competition between superconductivity and charge-density waves in the electron-phonon system,
Sol. State Comm.
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